The beginning starts here

Tag: blog

Creating a Learning Network

Great insight from both Christine Younghusband


and Ian Landy @technolandy

Lots of good ideas on how to blog, how to use your learning network, online chat forums, and how the professional education community has morphed into meeting in digital forums for personal growth and development.

It is a flood of information, so looking forward to trying out to organize blog posts and social networks all in one place.


Student Scaffolding…

Idea: students create their own website, blog on a course, and add content, reflect, share with others. Research Diary: A Tool for Scaffolding, also connects to Sharing A Pragmatic Networked Model For Open Pedagogy: The Open Hub Model Of Knowledge Generation In Higher Education Environments I thought this is great for teachers who are learning, but why can’t students create their own website and reflect on learning from a course they have. It would be a great tool. It could just be a segment of the course, or section(s).